Authentibility Pass was developed during CyberASAP Year 4. CyberASAP is funded by the UK Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in partnership with Innovate UK and Knowledge Transfer Network.
Communication of Authentication and Accessibility Requirements
Users’ requirements only need to be entered once into the App and sent to any number of supporting organisations. Requirements can be easily updated and stored in secure databases.
Increased Customer Satisfaction
Authentibility Pass enables organisations to become more aware of customers’ authentication and accessibility requirements, as well as compliance with equality and inclusion regulations.
About Us
Associate Professor in Computing
Dr Dogan has expertise in Human Factors, Assistive Technology, Digital Health and Systems Engineering
Lecturer in Assistive Technology
Dr Whittington has expertise in Assistive Technology, Human Factors, System of Systems and Usability Engineering.
Quality Assurance
Associate Professor in Human Computer Interaction
Dr Jiang has expertise in Full-stack Web Development experience, specialising in Web/mobile Architectural and Interface Design
Business Strategy
Executive Dean of Faculty of Science & Technology
Professor Phalp has expertise in Software Engineering, Model Driven Development, applications of Artificial Intelligence and Social Computing.
The App allows customers to input their authentication and accessibility requirements and send these securely to organisations.